Join us for one of Rochester's oldest races! Cash prizes to the overall finishers courtesy of Fleet Feet Sports!
EVENT | By 6/5/16 |
6/6/16-7/1/16 | 7/2/16-7/4/16 |
4 Mile | $20 | $22 | $25 |
Premium blend cotton t-shirts to all participants registered by June 15, 2016 plus the next 300 registrants
NEW! There are NO PROCESSING FEES when registering online for all 2016 YellowJacket Racing events in 2016! All entries are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-deferrable, no exceptions.
You can also register at both Fleet Feet Sports locations:
7:00am - Registration Opens
7:45am - Registration Closes
8:00am - Race Starts
9:15am - Awards Ceremony
Parking will be available at Boces on O'Connor Road.