Note: Tee Color subject to change due to supply chain
Stick around after the race to see everything the Corn Hill Arts Festival has to offer on Saturday, July 12th & Sunday, July 13th! This two-day Festival has become a fabric of the Rochester community & showcases hundreds of artists from across the country, as well as talented musicians from near and far. We encourage you to mark your calendars because you won’t want to miss this race or the return of this Festival!
Registration Closes Saturday, July 12th at 3PM.
There is no day-of registration. Please plan accordingly.
Packet Pickup
By registering for this event you are acknowledging that the date, time, location, and distance of the race may be changed, switched to virtual, or canceled at any time as deemed necessary by the Race Directors due to circumstances beyond their control. In the event that any of these scenarios happens or any other, there will be no refunds, transfers, or deferrals allowed unless otherwise stated.
Awards go to:
The plan is for awards to begin at 10:05AM-10:10AM depending on when final finisher comes through. Awards are not mailed. Others can get your award for you. They will also be at Fleet Feet @ The Armory until July 20th for pickup.
The Corn Hill 5K takes places completely on the Genesee Riverway Trail heading south & crossing over the Genesee & back before returning to the finish. It will take you through a picturesque view of the Genesee River, University of Rochester and Downtown. Starts and finishes in Corn Hill on the River Path. Afterwards enjoy the Corn Hill Arts Festival.
Please note there is no parking on Exchange itself as that is for the vendors, but there is parking closer to Blue Cross Arena.