Who's ready for a Spring cleaning? Join us in cleaning out our warehouse while staying active! Pick a distance to walk/run, on your time, at a course/location of your choosing! After you complete your walk/run, submit your time and be uploaded into the virtual results. We'll mail your race items direct to your house.
- Random YJR Medal
- Random YJR Shirt
- Random YJR Bib
- Spring Clean Decal
**Shirt/medal/bib will be randomly made selections and won't necessarily match.
Race items will be mailed by April 20, 2020. When registering, your mailing address must be a physical street address and not a Post Office Box for proper delivery.
Here is an example of what your bib could look like.
Social Media
Don’t forget to join the Facebook page Fleet Feet WNY Running is NOT Cancelled. We want to keep everyone moving during these tough times.
If you have a Garmin or another tracking device, take a screenshot and share it on Instagram to YellowJacket Racing with the hashtags #runningisnotcancelled, #fleetfeet, and #springclean5k, #springclean10k, or #springcleanhalf for a chance to win a prize!
Entry Fee | |
All Virtual Distances | $20 |
Entry fees are not refundable/deferrable/transferable.
Awards to Overall M/F, and first place M/F in the following age groups: 0-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Complete you Virtual race anytime between:
Friday, April 17, 2020, 8:00am
Monday, April 20, 2020, 8:00pm
Race items will be mailed by April 20, 2020. When registering, your mailing address must be a physical street address and not a Post Office Box for proper delivery.
It’s YOUR race!
Choose a location!
Walk, Jog, Run, Race!
Indoors or out, you pick your place and your pace!
April 17, 2020 | Virtual